What We Do?

“A child without education is like a bird without wings.”

Anweshka Foundation is focused on offering the following services for the benefit of underprivileged school/college students:

Academic / Learning Support:

Most students from underprivileged families do not have the opportunity to get tutoring support for their studies from their parents or relatives. As a result, they are not able to score well or compete with students who have educational facilities.

To help such students improve their performance in studies, Anweshka Foundation’s well-educated volunteers take after-school tutoring classes for students in all the subjects they need support, and at their own locations. We also organize for online classes, wherever it is feasible.

Anweshka Foundation also organizes special coaching programs for students keen to crack competitive exams for higher education or employment.

Financial Support:

Lack of financial resources often stands between the students of poor families and their dreams of pursuing higher education. Sometimes, vulnerable families can’t afford to send their kids even to primary or secondary schools. As a result, the students usually dropout and become laborers and underemployed.

Anweshka Foundation identifies students who need financial assistance, especially for the completion if their primary as well as their secondary education. Besides we also facilitate their admission in reputed higher education institutions.

Skill Training:

On the one hand, there is an increasing demand for skilled technicians and professionals at various trades including electrical works, automobile maintenance, and mobile phone services. On the other hand, millions of youth find it difficult to make use of the demand as they do not have necessary vocational skills.

Anweshka Foundation is determined to fill the skill gap and “willgap” by conducting technical training and motivational programs for the youth from the vulnerable backgrounds. Our sole aim is to convert the unemployed and underemployed youth into earning members of their household.

Adopting institutions:

Lack of funding and managerial support renders many schools, which cater to the underprivileged children, inadequate and ill-equipped. The shortage of teaching staff, owing to the constraints in providing salary, further complicates the issue.

Anweshka Foundation adopts such schools and strengthens their educational facilities - from well-furnished and ventilated classrooms to labs with computers and other testing equipment. We hire additional teachers, when required, and fund their salaries. We also provide for the upkeep of building infrastructure including playgrounds and sanitary facilities.

Adoption of School:

Anweshka Foundation has adopted Shri Kashiamji Primary School, located at Sector 45, Noida. It is a government school. The Foundation has been funding several infrastructure related projects and construction works that are taken up within the school premises. Anweshka is also strengthening the school's intellectual resources. For instance, it has donated about 300 books for the school's library.

The Foundation has plans to provide scholarships for the deserving students who want to pursue higher education, besides offering skills training for the students who pass out of the school to help them prepare for a career in the future.